tisdag 25 februari 2014

Day 1
Hi, we are two Swedish girls from Stockholm, Maria and Maria. We are packing for a trip to Australia (the land down under) for nine days. My cousin Maria and I are so excited to be in a new environment for a few couple days and experience all the new things we are not able to see here in Sweden, for example the people, the food, the animals, the places and even their language they use, it´s different from the English in USA and Britten. We woke up pretty early so we are totally exhausted. We are planning to sleep in the airplane because the trip is more than 6 hours from Stockholm to Sydney. We are so glad to go on a vacation alone with no parents or family. We prepare us well for the trip. We download new music to our mp3 player and bring with us a camera and many bikinis. We are mostly looking forward the beautiful beaches they have in Australia. We bet on who will be the brownest when we come back to Sweden so let’s see who win. While we are waiting for my dad to drive us to the airport we are writing down all the things we want to do when we arrive. Our mothers are worry that something will happen to us so they gave us sun product and tablets for the stomach and head but we said to them “we will be just fine so stop worry about us” but they will not listen. We are going to write more when we are in the hotel in Sydney. Bye everyone!!!

//Maria I & Maria S

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